The Pterodactyl (by Frederic Porta)

The Pterodactyl
Pterodactyls, from the Greek pterodaktulos, meaning "winged finger" were flying reptil of the Pterosauria Order. We don’t know were they appear but we find some bone rests on america. It was horribly thin, their wings were only 4 fingers lenght! It was a dinosaur from the Triassic. They were scary flying beasts. They seem like a bird but they were more thin and big than them. They had bone crest and big tooth. Their skin was light brown in colour, but the wings were membranous, and the most part of their body was covered by hair! They had big eyes colored. Their crest was colored too. They had an aerodinamic body. Pterodactyls were the fist vertebrates known to have envolved powered flight. They ate little dinosaurs who couldn’t defend themselves, but some studyes confirmate that the earlir pterodactyls ate insects and other organisms.
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